Friday, December 7, 2012

Week of Hope - Friday

Luke 2: 22-39

When the time came for their ritual cleansing, in accordance with the Law from Moses, they brought Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord. (It's written in the Law of the Lord, "Every firstborn male will be dedicated to the Lord.") They offered a sacrifice in keeping with what's stated in the Law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.
A man named Simeon was in Jerusalem. He was righteous and devout. He eagerly anticipated the restoration of Israel, and the Holy Spirit rested on him. The Holy Spirit revealed to him that he wouldn't die before he had seen the Lord's Christ. Led by the Spirit, he went into the temple area. Meanwhile, Jesus' parents brought the child to the temple so that they could do what was customary under the Law. Simeon took Jesus in his arms and praised God. He said, "Now, master, let your servant go in peace according to your word, because my eyes have seen your salvation. You prepared this salvation in the presence of all peoples. It's a light for revelation to the Gentiles and a glory for your people Israel." His father and mother were amazed by what was said about him. Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, "This boy is assigned to be the cause of the falling and rising of many in Israel and to be a sign that generates opposition so that the inner thoughts of many will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your innermost being too."
There was also a prophet, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, who belonged to the tribe of Asher. She was very old. After she married, she lived with her husband for seven years. She was now an eighty-four-year-old widow. She never left the temple area but worshipped God with fasting and prayer night and day. She approached at that very moment and began to praise God and to speak about Jesus to everyone who was looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.
When Mary and Joseph had completed everything required by the Law of the Lord, they returned to their hometown, Nazareth in Galilee.

A few people, notably Simeon and Anna, (along with Elizabeth and Zechariah) recognized the the infant Jesus as God's fulfillment of his promise to send a Messiah. Surely Mary and Joseph understood as well, but to them he was just their baby boy. They cared for him as faithful Jewish parents. This week I heard the gospel carol by Mark Lowry, "Mary Did You Know?" It sweetly expresses the wonder of Mary and of what her little boy were to become. 

Mary did you know that your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you.

Mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little baby, you have kissed the face of God.

The blind will see, the deaf will hear and the dead will live again.
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak, the praises of the lamb.

Mary did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will one day rule the nations?
Did you know that your baby boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?
This sleeping child you're holding is the great I am.

Reflection Questions

  • What promises or wisdom do you stand on?  Quips from grandparents, family rules from childhood, scripture that has gotten you through difficult times?
  • Imagine yourself at the foot of the cross remembering the account of Jesus' birth.  What stands out to you?  What becomes more or less important in this hindsight?
  • As you prepare to celebrate the coming of the Christ child, what lessons from his humble beginnings will you carry with you in the coming weeks?

Prayer for Friday, Week One
O God, we are waiting, pinning our hopes on your promises. The whole world is waiting - waiting for peace with justice, for freedom, for deliverance, food, for redemption and for reconciliation. Waiting for the Messiah, who has come and is coming, into our hearts. Gladden our hearts with your peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.  

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