Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week of Peace - 2nd Sunday of Advent -

Galatians 4:4.
But when the fulfillment of the time came, God sent his Son, born through a woman, and born under the Law.
Our theme for the second week of Advent is "In the Fullness of Time." God initiated the event. He  was born as one of us. God chose a time that the world was at relative peace - the Pax Romana (peace of Rome). During this time in history, Romans had built highways to facilitate trade and there was a common language, Greek, spoken throughout the territories. Communication and travel had never been better. God chose the place central to his chosen people, a place that had become a crossroads of trade and civilization. But God came in an unexpected manner. Who would have thought that a baby born in such a humble way would be God's gift to the world.

Reflection Questions for Sunday, Week Two
  • What does it mean that God has taken the initiative in history?  How has God taken the initiative in your life?  How will you respond?
  • Write, draw, or consider the time line of your life.  Where do you see God's perfect timing in your own life?
  • What thought, if any, have you given to the historical Jesus?  How do these insights about geography, politics, and culture support, enhance, or challenge how you will observe Advent this year?
Prayer for Sunday, Week Two
O Lord, grant to us in these troubling days a clearer vision of your truth, a greater faith in your power, and a more confident assurance in your love.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this each day. It's very lovely and thought provoking. I appreciate you :)
